Lake Jyvasjarvi I have never lived anywhere for 5 months other than Jyvaskyla, Finland. As my Fulbright journey concludes, there is so much to still digest. It will take months, if not years, to truly assimilate all the learning. Before I left Southern California, I wrote about the what I would miss the most from home and what I looked forward to experiencing in Finland. It is safe to say I met my goals. Top 7 Goals 1. Discussing Education Helsinki Workshop Through professional development programs, Fulbright Finland connected teachers with scholars and researchers, for the purpose of putting inquisitive minds together. The Making Democracies Resilient to Modern Threats seminar provided participants with fascinating research and presentations. 2. Nordic Model Bus station in Espoo What does an efficient and earnest country look like? It looks like Finland. Yes, people pay higher taxes, but get so much in return. I for one appreciated the well-main...
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Supporting Nature in Schools, Part 2
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In Kokkola, Finland
When I first signed up to visit Villa Elba Youth Center and
Nature School, I was under the impression that this was a school that incorporated
outdoor education as a part of their theme. However, the nature school network
operates outside of the traditional school system but in support of it. Nature
education is expressly addressed in the National Core Curriculum.
For example, at age 7-16 the goal is “…to raise
environmentally conscious citizens who are committed to a sustainable way of
life. The schools must teach future-oriented thinking and building the future
on ecologically, economically, socially, and culturally sustainable premises.” (NCC,
2004, 39)
For older students, the theme is Sustainable Development.
Students are encouraged to pursue a sustainable lifestyle, to take action for
sustainable development, and to examine the challenges of SD (NCC, 2003,
There are several major nature schools in Finland and it is
customary for many students, to attend Camp School, which is a residential
program in a nature setting that can range from 3-5 days. Parents pay out of
pocket for this experience but it is a strong tradition in the country.
Walking to the forest, about a 20 minute walk
On day two of my visit with Sara Kall, we took a group of kindergarten
students into the forest to study animal tracks in the snow. Sara drives to
local communities all over Kokkola to provide this service, but has no students
of her own.
It was a chilly day, in the low teens, and I don’t think I
was mentally prepared for an extended period in the cold (2 hours), but that was part of the challenge!
The students were playing in the yard when we arrived and
were super excited to see Sara. I greeted them with a “moika,” but they looked
blankly at me and I realized they were Swedish speakers, so I switched to a “hej!”
Swedish is the predominant language in western parts of Finland, as the country
is officially bilingual.
As we walked to the forest, I held a little girl’s hand and
she looked at me confused, wondering who I was. Her teacher told her I was an
American teacher. The 4 year old with bright pink cheeks looked up at me and
said “Donald Trump?” That is a blog post for another day.
At the forest, Sara brought out her detective kit and immediately captured the students' attention. The two hours were meticulously planned and no detail escaped her attention. There were even little motion breaks incorporated into the lesson to get the blood flowing. As in the lake, the teachers also brought warm juice and carrots for break time. BEST SNACK EVER.
The kit comes out!
Passing around a specimen
Bird calling
Kokkola has massive boulders all over town
Studying different types of tracks
Let's do art in the forest; warm water with food coloring. Each student draws a different type of track.
Not bad for being 4 years old and wearing a thick glove
If the video doesn't load, you can find it at
The video shows students pretending to be stomping squirrels, throwing their tails over their heads, and rushing for shelter under the "tree" that is the closest adult. It's a fun way to incorporate much needed movement into the outdoor lesson.
In a society, when you value something, you invest in it. The symbiosis between the Finnish people and nature reminds me of the very deep connection indigenous people have with their lands. In fact, access to nature is considered an entitlement described as "Everyman's Right" where:
96% of the land can be used by anyone, including land and water areas
one can use certain natural products even if you are not the owner of the property such as dry twigs, branches, cones, nuts, mushrooms
free access to waterways for boating, anchoring and swimming
free access to land to orienteer, short-term camp, run, walk, cross-country ski, pick berries
the user of the right must not damage or disturb nature (Source: Suomen Latu)
When children spend so much time outdoors with access to nature, it becomes a part of your upbringing, lifestyle, and spirit when you become an adult.
I have marveled at the amount of people congregating on Lake Jyvasjarvi, adjacent to my apartment, in the middle of winter. Ice-skating, skiing, walking, and even cycling. Oh yeah, and there were also motorized paragliders and hot air balloons. The frozen lake became the seasonal playground that folks looked forward to enjoying. It is quite possible that the love of nature, in all of its extremes was fostered in schools and by dynamic individuals like Sara Kall and Maria Svens.
Lake Jyvasjarvi I have never lived anywhere for 5 months other than Jyvaskyla, Finland. As my Fulbright journey concludes, there is so much to still digest. It will take months, if not years, to truly assimilate all the learning. Before I left Southern California, I wrote about the what I would miss the most from home and what I looked forward to experiencing in Finland. It is safe to say I met my goals. Top 7 Goals 1. Discussing Education Helsinki Workshop Through professional development programs, Fulbright Finland connected teachers with scholars and researchers, for the purpose of putting inquisitive minds together. The Making Democracies Resilient to Modern Threats seminar provided participants with fascinating research and presentations. 2. Nordic Model Bus station in Espoo What does an efficient and earnest country look like? It looks like Finland. Yes, people pay higher taxes, but get so much in return. I for one appreciated the well-main...
Jyvaskyla Fulbright Teachers (missing Kerry and Linda) As I conclude my Fulbright project, it goes without saying that I could not have done this alone. The help I’ve received along the way has been heartwarming and supportive. I am so proud to have been able to represent teachers and my community in Finland. Jose Govea This unceasing advocate for teachers is my area union rep. When he heard I was awarded my Fulbright grant, he went into action to make sure I received some type of compensation from the hard to navigate district I work in. We realized the deadline had passed for the correct leave of absence to make this happen, but he said, “I’m willing to do battle for a Fulbrighter.” Thanks to Jose, I was able to receive financial support from my district while away on leave. The IIE Angelica Serna The International Institute for Education manages the Fulbright Distinguished Awards in Teaching program which sent me to Finland. This first-class organization supp...
Lunch room With only a few weeks left on my Finnish Fulbright learning experience, I was eager to set a date to visit the other 2018 Finnish Fulbrighter's school near Tampere, FI. Sanna Leinonen is a well-known educational leader with over 20 years of experience teaching at Ylojarven Lukio, and a Fulbright teacher. Every minute of every school visit is a learning experience. Location Motorbikes rule Tractors get you there Ylojarven is a town west of Tampere, and as such, it is the only local high school (Lukio) in the area. Students commute from rather long distances to get to the school. I was always tickled to see tractors in the parking lot belonging to those from a more rural background, but more often than not, I saw motor bikes and bicycles in the parking lot. Staggered Arrivals and Flexible Schedules for Teachers An American teacher's dream come true Because each student's schedule is so customized, some students did not arrive to school...
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